Monday, April 14, 2008

554 554 Delivery Error

the third evening

Friday, April 4, 2008, 21 h


Nell'unica tappa extra cittadina di
UOVO CRITICO — inserito nel progetto quadro della Provincia di Roma Scenari Indipendenti — si incontreranno la poetica policentrica di PsicopompoTeatro, che porta giĆ  nella radice del proprio nome il concetto di frontiera, e il "critico d'occasione" Attilio Scarpellini.

La stravaganza
di Rafael Spregelburd
Traduzione e regia: Manuela Cherubini
This work is one of seven that make up the 'Eptalogia of Hieronymus Bosch "the Argentine playwright Rafael Spregelburd. The corpus is inspired by the board of the seven deadly sins of the Flemish painter, but is personal, and tries to show evidence of the fall the modern order, an order that our thought. Where is the deviation when it is not a center? Can the offense when there is no fundamental law? The seven deadly sins (Pride, Avarice, Wrath, Lust, Envy, Sloth, and Throat) have migrated to other orders in this Eptalogia moral, to a delusional "mapping" of morality, where the research center is the engine of the investigation on the become desperate.
PSICOPOMPOTEATRO - was established in 2001 jointly by Manuela Cherubini, Luisa Merloni and Patrick Romeo. Psicopompo means "ferryman of souls," the attribute that characterizes liminality of Hermes, the threshold, the border. Works in an invisible thread, a sensitive area that includes the audience, urged a revival of the audience, get familiar with the through the staging.


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