Monday, December 21, 2009

Steps To Name Change In New York State

more I try, the more I feel drained, I spent the sagacity and the ink.
I do not even want to describe come sia andato, il famoso esame. So solo che ora, per principio, getterò la fotocopiatrice e mi metterò a scrivere tutte le copie degli atti a mano, che ci ho preso gusto. Ah, butterò anche via le banche dati ed implorerò il cliente di darmi informazioni vaghe e sibilline circa il proprio caso.
Eviterò poi di fare la pausa pranzo e la pausa sigaretta. E anche di andare in bagno. E se mai andrò in bagno, ora ho anche imparato che per essere dei buoni professionisti non ci si può lavare le mani dopo averla fatta.
Dimenticavo! Se riesco assumerò degli uomini in divisa, di un corpo qualsiasi delle forze dell'ordine, che di tanto in tanto passino a guardarmi con fare minaccioso o a farmi domande del tutto illogiche (tipo cosa significa 22/01/198_ accanto al nome) solo per distrarmi.

Ah, il tizio del banco davanti no, quello non lo voglio, c'è un limite a tutto, che diamine!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Can You Drink Alcohol While Taking Asacol

closed for holidays for the appointment.

Così, giusto per continuare a cercare un diversivo che distolga i miei pensieri dall'esame, oggi parlerò dell'esame.
Essendomi imbattuta in un riepilogo assai gustoso dei pratici suggerimenti dell'ultimo minuto per sperare in una buona riuscita dell'esame (o, anche, nella non fuoriuscita dall'aula d'esame causa espulsione -ah, per chi non lo sapesse- dato che a Brescia canta Mister Eros Ramazzotti, l'aula è stata trasferita di trenta chilometri) mi sono venuti un pò not sure ...
Leggiamoci paragraph number three of this Article:

3. Signs of recognition
The use of two pens of different colors (blue and black) for the preparation of the written test can not itself be objectively qualified "sign of recognition" impediments to the correction, with the consequence of an exclusion does not evaluability (TAR Sardegna, December 11, 2008, n. 2158).
The question concerned a candidate of a public competition excluded from selection because the Commission was satisfied that the work had "been wrote the first page using the black pen in hand and pen in hand, the blue and the rest by continuing with the blue pen. "
The Administrative Court decided that the use of pens with different colors, in this case, may not be suitable to integrate an "objective" and "clear" sign of recognition, because it can also be explained in very simple terms: "What the competitor had agreed to establish the "fair copy" with the black pen, and that in the course of writing, the ballpoint pen (not provided by the Board) has been "exhausted", with the consequent need to "continue" the issue with other pen ". Obviously the previous
can be used because of the usual colors of pens:
I venture to write in green or red colors as allowed by the rules on competition are just black and blue of the common black ballpoint pens.
Furthermore, the TAR Sardegna drew a compliant Court (TAR Calabria Catanzaro, sect. II,
decision of 10 June 2008, n. 642 ; TAR Basilicata Potenza, July 11, 2007, n. 489), second which states that in insolvency proceedings, the rule of anonymity of the written papers, although essential, can not be understood in such absolute and would result in the invalidity of the tests every time that there is a "mere possibility of recognition," since one could never rule out the possibility that a commissioner to recognize the writing of a candidate, although it is formally established its anonymous, it follows that the rule of anonymity is to be understood in the sense that the work may not bear any sign that is 'in theory' and 'objectively' capable of recognition. "
So the page numbering, or symbols that stand out the elaborate parties (asterisks and the like) are likely to be avoided as a precaution, but can not cause cancellation.

Wow, now everything is clearer. Damn, I was used to pull the different sections with a first-line indent. So either they expel me, or I do not ocrreggono the task, or they cut your hands. (Although I doubt there's anyone in qualchessia committee, who are interested in recognizing my role ...)

But it's not all. We read paragraph five, of great encouragement:

§ 5. The Pitepraticantropo
The Pitepraticantropo was wise, indeed, Doctor of Law, attended the court, practicing lawyer, but he was basically a primitive stage to be on the line of evolution towards a future career around to achieve.
wore jacket and tie but no shirt and pants, so that his dark coat contrasted markedly under the fabric quality. He began frequenting the practice
the old courthouse, which had greatly appreciated the urban location in the old town near the university and other public buildings are functionally related (conservatorship, register, Finance Office, prefecture, city hall, etc. ..)
The austere functionality of the building seemed to promise that the trials have been so sober and efficient. The entrance hall and had access to a radial corridors leading to rationally a tutti gli uffici, rendendoli facilmente individuabili e raggiungibili dall’utente.
Persino in verticale, la volta aperta attraverso ciascun piano spalancava la visuale su tutto il palazzo e da vero e proprio “foro”, favoriva le relazioni tra gli avvocati e con i clienti. Era poi ovvio che tutti gli uffici giudiziari si trovassero lì raccolti nello stesso palazzo.
Poi, con i consueti ritardi delle opere pubbliche, era entrato in esercizio il nuovo Palazzo. Funereo emiciclo di marmo grigio e nero decentrato tra le circonvallazioni intasate dal traffico, dove si esercitava il mestiere più antico del mondo, voltava le terga alla città e volgeva la fronte alla brughiera incolta antistante la ferrovia.
Il Pitepraticantropo it ran through the walls bordering on the white line, avoiding the central lane of red marble, which seemed reserved for those who knew more about him. And he seemed to take a metaphor for building processes that were celebrated, still pending and never concluded, that lasted and lasted, but they were always an indefinable point, and too often ended without resolving the problem for which they had started.
And the third floor again a bit 'but more about exactly the same, as an appeal process, the fourth and still the same, as a trial court.
But what most impressed him was the location of the office of justice of the peace across the city had not found a place, in un edificio tanto più grande, nè il Comune era riuscito a reperire un fabbricato meno distante, come lo stesso vecchio Palazzo di Giustizia, vuoto da anni. E, coincidenza impressionante, solo lì aveva visto iniziare e terminare un processo.
Il Pitepraticantropo conosceva una gran quantità di leggi e di decreti, e si sforzava di studiarne sempre più, pur avendo ben in mente l’insegnamento del suo professore di diritto penale, che criticava la congerie normativa imperversante anche in quel delicato settore ammettendo che neppure lui conosceva tutte le fattispecie criminali vigenti, cosa forse impossibile per la mente umana, mentre tale inevitabile ignoranza non era ammessa neppure per il più illetterato dei sudditi; nonostante This, however, he believed his duty to learn as much as possible and in all sectors.
But it was so obvious that we needed urgently to lay hands to a radical deregulation process, which could not understand how parliament toyed with the constitutional reforms and the Two Chief World Systems, and thought legislation would allow a human to know more their rights and their duties by increasing the certainty of legal relations, the result would be deflation in the litigation were limited to cases of genuine doubt about the interpretation of the law.
The few decisions would be made within a reasonable time, brought by lawyers to attend to the most unequivocal court opinions cases, paying the necessary depth to reduced litigation, which would produce the same depth reviews, setting a precedent not to be contradictory and easy to find.
A simpler regulatory system, allowing everyone to know and understand, to exercise their rights and fulfill their obligations, would make it possible to identify and target those few who were acting illegally and deliberately prevent them from blackmail their accusers.
such an order would free the government from bloated inefficiency in which it was sunk by reducing costs and waste, the people would defend their legitimate interests and do not exchange or buy favors.
In the end there was nothing new to invent, would be enough to follow in the footsteps of Triboniano, implementing the lapidary precept of the constitution Deo auctore, conceived now fourteen centuries before Justinian: "tot auctorum dispersed volumina a code ... ostende "would have been enough to remember the sleepless nights of Bonaparte, which forced the compilers of what he called" mon civil code "to rewrite all the articles were rather simple and obvious.
Napoleon 's useless, but as Justinian, the poor did not see a better horizon Pitepraticantropo political party bureaucrats pale, when his shady wheeler.
And he, in spite of all her efforts, remained hopelessly a monkey.
One day, entering the Palace, the Pitepraticantropo stopped perplexed to see the monoliths erected in the lobby by surprise, and sparks.
I was struck by an insight: the majority of the country had already made up your pale by party bureaucrats, if not from shady fixers, and still did business with them, undertook to build useless monuments to waste and inefficiency under coverage of a superfluous legislation aimed at intentionally worsen existing in a vicious spiral that fed the power of the inept and corrupt. The
Pitepraticantropo was so impressed by the evidence di quel ragionamento che non si accorse neppure di non essere più tale; aveva camicia e brache, aveva perso il pelo e non era più una scimmia: era diventato un avvocato
[ii] .
Che dire... mi sconvolge l'idea questa storiella possa applicarsi a qualsiasi praticante, di qualsiasi generazione, di qualsiasi città..
P.S. Vi segnalo che alla fine dei consigli pratici per gli acquisti, e della cicciosissima storiella, v'era il solito link...No, non voglio cliccare e diventare avvocato in Spagna in sei mesi. Non so lo Spagnolo. Non conosco nessuno in Spagna E ABOVE ALL, Shut OF MOBILE ON THE DAY OF PUBLICATION OF RESULTS. Owls!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Party Invitations Budweiser


In this Sunday's fake fog in the Po valley, seeking a diversion to the gloomy thoughts that follow each other in the cerebellum pending examination [which, although close, is just the Next week: I have to find a diversion].

Yeah, it's official, arrived covocazione. snip. ungrammatical. but has arrived.

The fact that for a minute (maybe even a little 'more), I had hoped it was not allowed to sit (chennesò for not properly completed the field with the name and last name or because my certificate of practical tasks, suddenly, it was crumbling in the hands of the Commissioner, things like that ..) is not a good sign.

Sure, who would submit to a test of physical survival of three days, on which I have been told anecdotes and the worst of the worst atrocities, and which, if all goes well, you can know the results (ergo, it the abstract is worth it) after a period equal to the needed requirements to build a bridge?!

"but for your future .. ah, yes it is true, my future here .. .. six months if it goes well beyond six months to make the oral
otherwise .. a few years here .. there a few years .. I have a feeling that when I begin to work and make plans for the future, the future is already past ..

were saying ... ah, yes, I HAVE TO FIND ANOTHER!!

Like yesterday, that to make children feel good after you are put in two to play a guitar ... (is it possible that the library is closed on Monday afternoon?) We made Christmas cookies [ I do not like Christmas, I hate Christmas carols, the fuss of Christmas, Christmas trinkets ... but I love to prepare biscuits].

The recipe I can give you, it's not that secret, is that we have made all the dough what was in the kitchen regardless of what previously lay on hands smeared with mick, frankly, I do not know-including lemon, cinnamon, nuts, chocolate, coconut, candied .. ah, yes, maybe even a little 'flour, sugar and butter ..

We mixed it well, created an absolutely horrific and put in the oven, filled with hope.
Then we went all happy to see a cartoon and we left them on fire. were practically carbonised.
short, buonisssssssssimi.

This morning I found the cat in the bowl along with a bit 'of milk .. and with the cat, very hungry and very annoyed.