Saturday, February 27, 2010

Which Heroine Has The Biggest Boobs

the wonder of small things this week ..

Under a sky of fog
that heaven is not '
and' insecure
another day that I spend with you And we are here

between lampposts and windows
between pieces of Spirits shoes and kitchens

E 'was perhaps out of boredom or lack of wine

we left the house
e andati incontro al destino
destino normale
fatto di punch e giornale
di risate spremute
e di parole taciute

E' una giornata
senza pretese
e non ci succede
una volta al mese
Stiamo qua
ad aspettare la sera
e se mi guardi
io non ti vedo
ma mi ricordo
del nostro amore
stiamo qua
messi qua
ad aspettare la sera

E i miei occhi
coi tuoi
vanno incontro alla strada
sui motori e le luci
brilla altera la luna
e non parliamo di niente
in questa scura pianura
L'auto va dolcemente
dentro la notte piu' scura

E' una giornata

unpretentious and there happens once a month

We're here
to wait in the evening and if you look at me

I do not see you but I remember

of our love we put here

here waiting for the evening ...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Gordon's Sloe Gin Cocktails

end but have you done?

But where you left with a leg wound? there is also a new sweater in the basket .. come on ..

Friday, February 19, 2010

How Do Bath Mats Stick

are not well!

.. This is what I would have certainly told my colleagues [in order to make me a polite girl], if I had heard this evening as I tried in vain to go home [mission, I would have known it, too ambitious].
Knowing that I left running (I was afraid to miss the last bus before the strike called by trade unions today, in almost all cities of northern Italy) and just outside, I remembered to have an umbrella in the studio, which when I came back up, then down, and I opened the umbrella, I remembered that it was imploded on the way to go to court under the storm this morning that closed the umbrella, I remembered not having the ticket 'bus, which left the shop of Mr. Charles, I saw myself walk past the bus, which, of course, that was the last bus before the strike called by trade unions today, in almost all cities of northern Italy, after having decided to go home on foot, half way, incredibly, has passed another bus, not really mine, but under the water that was fine too, as that will seem obvious, I started to run like a possessed but I lost, that once arrived home, ready to return to Nasolino, I discovered that the car window had been down all week ... That said, it was just a return to m. .....