Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lower Left Side Back Pain

Claudio Gigante - Introduction to the Conference Program and How to find

University of Brussels, 4 May 2010

It is a sad moment in our history.
On May 4 of 150 thousand years ago, trembling waiting for the departure.
I give the floor to one of them, Giuseppe Bandi:

Ben could be said that the Fourth Genoa was not stopped a procession of men and women. It was a crowd eager to see us, to say goodbye, and wish in the name of Italy's victory in our magnanimous leader, were fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons, who came to say goodbye to their loved ones ... On all sides, kisses, tears, greetings, flowers, handshakes, and a waving of handkerchiefs, and a waving of hats. When I remember that night or the hour, sento gonfiarmisi il cuore, e piango sulla perduta gioventù, e piango sulla tomba dell’uomo che i sogni più belli della gioventù mia se li ha portati con sé!

Con un gesto audace, solo in parte, e ambiguamente, sostenuto dal Regno di Sardegna, un piccolo esercito di volontari si prendeva l’incarico di dare forma e vita all’ideale in nome del quale erano state immolate esistenze, distrutte famiglie; un ideale che per molti aveva significato il carcere e l’esilio. Al sud, al centro, al nord.

Siamo consapevoli che non tutto di quella stagione, e ancor più di quelle che seguirono, è degno di essere celebrato. È un discorso che abbiamo sentito ripetere, soprattutto negli recent years, thousands of times so that has been replaced by a rhetoric of the Risorgimento, which has had its day, a rhetoric dell'Antirisorgimento far worse.

to the ideals of liberty and union that transpire in the pages of many of the writers we hear about in the days of this meeting has been replaced by a coarse denier vulgate, which would cancel or reduce at least one of the few pages worth of recent Italian history.

Because our Risorgimento was primarily a season of hopes and ideals. And if that Italy "beautiful and lost" - as in the title of the fine book by Villari - sap knew how to draw again, our This would be less bleak and lifeless.

I wish you all good job, and I'm glad you're here. I greet and thank Miori Sira, director of the Italian Institute of Brussels, in cooperation with two universities in Brussels for the performance of our work. I thank you, for my part, the meetings occurred - tomorrow will do the same Mr Dirk Vanden Berghe: with him was set up every brick of this event - I thank Daniel Comber, a researcher in this university, for the fundamental aid organization.

And I thank the Committee, chaired by Carlo Azeglio Ciampi for including our conference between the official celebrations of 150 years of Unity.
What those three flags that accompany the program and posters are a good omen for our work and for a better future.

Claudio Gigante


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