Monday, April 14, 2008

Things To Put In A Card


Subterranean Theatre in Egg critic found himself in his element. So thank you. Kataklisma, Transparencies, Podoff. The public. Studies, open rehearsals, demonstrations work, are all things that pertain to the practice of this group. Make a piece of work away from the debut is also extremely useful for us: clarifies, (re) direction, denying or confirming the resolution of certain problems. A Critical Egg we could see a lot. The meeting after the test has also touched some raw nerves of our shared alphabet, some theoretical aspects on which there is often no time to find a summary: we leave Kataklisma more aware of where we are on the production and stressed on the level of ' self-analysis. This is due to Marcantonio Lucidi, which broke between us and our objects has left his mark as a few. But we owe it to the strong participation the public, both in response to the work during the meeting, where some interventions have been able to move in a very interesting and we took what we focus our research in an almost bewildering. So we opened to the public is served once again: Critical Egg was one of the rare cases where the facts, or rather do, has exceeded the boredom of the long-standing issues, simply by implementing a practice. It was not easy to run something like this, and we are pleased to have been a part.

Subterranean Theatre


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