Monday, April 28, 2008

Broken Capillaries Face Symptoms

STORAGE EGG CRITICAL to" The Council theatrical

martedì 15 aprile 2008, h 21

gramigna_ct closes the 2008 edition with a two-day meeting to which you add the "extra" Kataklisma four boys and spend time watching people. Sometimes a word. Sometimes a dialogue. A contact. Then one day a stranger arrives. gramigna_ct addresses the "Katzelmacher" Fassbinder and settled in its context and deliberately hiding it. We take care of the beloved German soil, the putrid his youth, all of the sounds you produce with the bodies. / gramignact


- theater collective, a variable geometry structure. At its core is fixed by factors other than adhering to individual projects. Produce shows and performances. The performers come from the theater, contemporary dance, Butoh and by continuing a career parallel more closely associated with these languages. The collective work merges the individual paths in search of an actor's consistent presence, full, syntactically theater, but can include the abstraction of your choreographic language. We are looking for ways emotionally communicative stage, we like the metaphors of the contemporary fair.

Lorenzo Donati
- scholar and theater critic. He is one of the founders of the project in

More Speed, writing intermittently about the performing arts. It is part of the "Guide" of non-school the Teatro delle Albe in Ravenna, where he leads a laboratory observation of writing for the theater. Collaborates with the magazine Hystrio 'and Cape Town Radio Metropolitana di Bologna. He is a member of the Board of preset "GDA", young danz'autori Emilia-Romagna, and the jury "They Rhine, independent theater in Emilia Romagna.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Morrowind Chunk Size Too Big


is online interview between Elvira Frosini, artistic director and critic Kataklisma de La Repubblica Nico Garrone, players in the sixth round of EGG CRITICAL 2008.



Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Linsey Mckenzie Computer

Muta Imago podcast Theatre Underground

Friday, April 11, 2008, 21 h

the first study of : Elvira Frosini with: Isabella Di Cola, Vincenzo Manna

... a few lines, because the matter is still unformed, the title is tentative, the study is in a nutshell. The territory is the presence / absence of inside and outside the image border, the metamorforsi energy and the suspension (of the world, speech, sense ...?)
KATAKLISMA - work around the presence / absence of the body on stage, the transition, the gap, the gap that opens and the imminence of that takes place, focusing attention on the problem of representation. It crosses genres and breaks up, signs and groped for ways to re-code language and meaning at the moment, escaping to a programmatic classification.

NICO GARRONE - is theater critic of La Repubblica. Since '97 is the artistic director of the festival "Summer in Radicondoli (Siena). He is the author of documentaries Iphigenia 2000, and notes for Sakrificë

How To Make Gurkha Knife

reflections Marcantonio Lucidi

to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow it went
to imagine what can be expected in other meetings

March 28 2008_quarto appointment EGG CRITICAL
Tank Regiment - Robert Conrad PsicopompoTeatro and artistic director of the "critical-hand" Attilio Scarpellini, players in the fifth round of EGG CRITICAL 2008.


Monday, April 14, 2008

554 554 Delivery Error

the third evening

Friday, April 4, 2008, 21 h


Nell'unica tappa extra cittadina di
UOVO CRITICO — inserito nel progetto quadro della Provincia di Roma Scenari Indipendenti — si incontreranno la poetica policentrica di PsicopompoTeatro, che porta già nella radice del proprio nome il concetto di frontiera, e il "critico d'occasione" Attilio Scarpellini.

La stravaganza
di Rafael Spregelburd
Traduzione e regia: Manuela Cherubini
This work is one of seven that make up the 'Eptalogia of Hieronymus Bosch "the Argentine playwright Rafael Spregelburd. The corpus is inspired by the board of the seven deadly sins of the Flemish painter, but is personal, and tries to show evidence of the fall the modern order, an order that our thought. Where is the deviation when it is not a center? Can the offense when there is no fundamental law? The seven deadly sins (Pride, Avarice, Wrath, Lust, Envy, Sloth, and Throat) have migrated to other orders in this Eptalogia moral, to a delusional "mapping" of morality, where the research center is the engine of the investigation on the become desperate.
PSICOPOMPOTEATRO - was established in 2001 jointly by Manuela Cherubini, Luisa Merloni and Patrick Romeo. Psicopompo means "ferryman of souls," the attribute that characterizes liminality of Hermes, the threshold, the border. Works in an invisible thread, a sensitive area that includes the audience, urged a revival of the audience, get familiar with the through the staging.

Things To Put In A Card


Subterranean Theatre in Egg critic found himself in his element. So thank you. Kataklisma, Transparencies, Podoff. The public. Studies, open rehearsals, demonstrations work, are all things that pertain to the practice of this group. Make a piece of work away from the debut is also extremely useful for us: clarifies, (re) direction, denying or confirming the resolution of certain problems. A Critical Egg we could see a lot. The meeting after the test has also touched some raw nerves of our shared alphabet, some theoretical aspects on which there is often no time to find a summary: we leave Kataklisma more aware of where we are on the production and stressed on the level of ' self-analysis. This is due to Marcantonio Lucidi, which broke between us and our objects has left his mark as a few. But we owe it to the strong participation the public, both in response to the work during the meeting, where some interventions have been able to move in a very interesting and we took what we focus our research in an almost bewildering. So we opened to the public is served once again: Critical Egg was one of the rare cases where the facts, or rather do, has exceeded the boredom of the long-standing issues, simply by implementing a practice. It was not easy to run something like this, and we are pleased to have been a part.

Subterranean Theatre

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sphere By Master Lock

Against the mice thought

Two works of a collective research Florentine Egg critical ", a series of meetings with the new performance scene

It's called" Egg critical "and is a comprehensive project from the subtitle:" new appointments between criticism and performance scene. " The leaders of the initiative, Laura Elvira Frosini and Blacks, have identified eight companies each, and combined with a young Italian critic who follows in his representations of the Roman period through meetings, conversations, interviews. The other day in all'Arvalia poster, were the Florentine Theater Underground have proposed two collective creations, Eko and One-off . The second is a retrospective study of a previous production,
Post-it , dalla quale sono stati tratti i materiali. Quindi già il fatto di realizzare una ricerca post facto dà idea del metodo di costruzione e decostruzione continua delle immagini e delle azioni sceniche che il gruppo pratica. Infatti gli artisti del Teatro Sotterraneo, quattro performer e un dramaturg, si autodefiniscono così: «Un collettivo di ricerca in cui cinque elementi coabitano una pratica orizzontale che va dalla progettazione del prodotto scenico alla sua circuitazione». Non c'è un regista, si fa tanto laboratorio, e un dramaturg, figura di derivazione tedesca, offre la partitura verbale, una serie di «ponti di parole» che permettono, quando necessario, di saldare i vari momenti di uno stile di rappresentazione eminentemente view all physical action based on gesture, posture, the sign. Until it reaches the clowning. Interesting: forcing the viewer to decrease wakefulness, even alarm, rationale for relying on intuitive consciousness. All this recalls the seventies, especially in the proposal stage of differentiation between writing and dramatic writing, and hence there is also the impression that the group owes something to the graphics for the Internet, where pages are places where different things happen at the same time and often disconnected from the usual logical cause and effect relationship in favor of a similar report. In this sense, the tendency of analogy, one could define what is seen in a theater scene of the feminine nature, ossia meno statuario, affermativo, argomentativo, di quello tradizionale, drammaturgicamente strutturato, che diremmo maschile. Epperò altrettanto organizzato se non addirittura più rigoroso perché quanto mai delicata e fuggevole è la rappresentazione dei processi intuitivi e delle concatenazioni concettuali analogiche fondate su principi di somiglianza, riconoscimento, identità. Poi c'è la questione, esterna allo spettacolo, del rapporto fra artista e critico. Negli anni Settanta, la prossimità eccessiva fra chi opera e chi recensisce a lungo andare ha generato mostri. Una relazione che poteva essere feconda si è degradata, come molte cose in Italia, in un sistema di promozione del potere intellettuale e al vantaggio economico di vari critici e di qualche artista. Poi, la temperie storica mutata, la critica cosiddetta militante è finita ma ne è rimasta una parodia, fascistoide nel suo essere decadente e autoritaria, atta a giustificare il perdurante clientelismo. Un fenomeno che, va detto, è avvenuto soprattutto a sinistra (anche perché a destra, critici teatrali con un minimo di levatura se ne sono contati assai pochi). "Uovo critico" quindi è una lodevole iniziativa volta a mutue conoscenze e riconoscimenti. Merita di crescere e diventare una nuova rete di relazioni nel campo del teatro. Vigilando che su questa rete non si mettano a correre, come già successo in passato, i topi del pensiero.

Marcantonio Lucidi
Left_21 March 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Linsey Mckenzie Full Set Blog

to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow it went
to imagine what can be expected in other meetings

Underground Theatre resistono in Italia e oltre e vivono la dimensione produttiva come dimensione esistenziale e condivisione artistica? Essere gruppo e essere singolo, confrontarsi con gli altri e ascoltare ferocemente se stessi; praticare la solitudine per meglio rafforzare la propria voce, è stata ed è una dimensione connaturata alla formazione artistica (attore-regista, autore).
Valentina Valentini
Valentina Valentini teaches at the University of Calabria and the Course in Performing Arts and Sciences, University of Rome "La Sapienza". His research interests include the show in the Twentieth Century The field of interference between theater, art and new media.