Brooke Fraser - Something In The Water
Monday, February 28, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Can You Hook Up A Hard Drive To A Sony Tv
.. this is one of those nights a bit 'wrong ... I'm a bit' tired, the TV does not work, the car's headlights as well, no books and no music [since I got to steal the mp3 player in Michi Court that ... even now I wonder who is that I stole it, and why, then, what is a court?] .. 'S one of those nights where if you think about the next day is like this, and this same time yesterday and would like to take a step forward, but you can not. And there are many things that make me smile .. Au who hugs me and coming at me with his long, long legs, as è cresciuta.. Michi che mi dice, mentre giochiamo a dama, che mi farà fuori in un "barcobaleno".. ah, anche la brioche al cioccolato che mi sono mangiata sabato mattina prima di tornare a casa, che il barista mi ha detto "vedrai quanto ti piacerà" era vero.. E poi le mattine in cui c'è nell'aria quel profumo strano che sembra quello della primavera, e mi sembra uguale uguale a quello che respiravo al lago d'estate, la mattina presto, quando con il mio papà si andava a vedere com'era il lago, e da lì, secondo lui, si capivano un sacco di cose.. E poi le volte che lo sogno, che è sempre bellissimo.. Le cose cambieranno, spero. Io penso alla mia generazione e so che il futuro you can not see, but it is there somewhere and I know that we deserve it, that despite what everyone says, we are doing everything to earn it.
What Retail Store Sell Licorice Soap?
picture angle of antiquities
Thanks to the wonderful lesson Dona , published Cliccoecreo I made this shears.
I am very satisfied because I can finally put an old pair of scissors that belonged to an aunt who unfortunately I did not know but to which I feel very connected.
I thought I would hang this item on an old mirror, leaning against an old work table (for Continuing the theme of sewing) on \u200b\u200bwhich I installed also the favor of marriage of my maternal grandmother.
short, many family heirlooms gathered together to never forget that the ancestors are watching us from above always with an eye and a sweet smile.
Thanks to the wonderful lesson Dona , published Cliccoecreo I made this shears.
I am very satisfied because I can finally put an old pair of scissors that belonged to an aunt who unfortunately I did not know but to which I feel very connected.

I thought I would hang this item on an old mirror, leaning against an old work table (for Continuing the theme of sewing) on \u200b\u200bwhich I installed also the favor of marriage of my maternal grandmother.
short, many family heirlooms gathered together to never forget that the ancestors are watching us from above always with an eye and a sweet smile.

Prolapsed Disc Surgery Recovery Time
Monday, February 14, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Blueprints For Molly Mansion Rabbit Hutch
We are in the final phase of Sal.
I ask you all, friends to vote bloggherine the jar that you like.
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Thanks for the help they give me.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Installing Mainstays Curtains
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Parashara's Light Free
Celtic festival of Imbolc

La luce che è nata al Solstizio di Inverno comincia a manifestarsi all’inizio del mese di febbraio: le giornate si allungano poco alla volta e anche se la stagione invernale continua a mantenere la sua gelida morsa, ci accorgiamo che qualcosa sta cambiando. Le genti antiche erano molto più attente di noi ai mutamenti stagionali, anche per motivi di sopravvivenza. Questo era il più difficile periodo dell’anno poiché le riserve alimentari accumulate per l’inverno cominciavano a scarseggiare. Pertanto, i segni che annunciavano il ritorno della primavera erano accolti con uno stato d’animo che oggi, al riparo delle nostre case riscaldate e ben fornite, facciamo fatica ad immaginare.
superimpose the Wheel of the Year to our modern calendar, falls on the first holiday we meet the February 1.
Among the Celts on 1 February was Imbolc (pronounced Immol'c), also called Oimelc or Imbolg. The etymology of the word is disputed, but all the meanings refer to the deep meaning of this feast. Imbolc in fact seems to derive from IMB-Folco, meaning "great flood 'and in many places of the Celtic countries, this date is also called" Feast of the Rain ": This may refer to climatic changes of the season but also the idea of \u200b\u200ba cleansing process that purifies impurities winter.
Instead Oimelc means "lactation of sheep" while Imbolg would mean 'in the sack "in the sense of" womb "with a symbolic reference to the awakening of nature in the womb of Mother Earth and with a more specific material to the lambs, new source of food and wealth, the security of Nature and farmers would be born at the beginning of good weather.
Breastfeeding lambs ensured a providential supply of protein. The new milk, butter, cheese is often the difference between life and death for children and the elderly during the cold days of February.
Imbolc è una delle quattro feste celtiche, dette “feste del fuoco” perché l’accensione rituale di fuochi e falò ne costituiscono una caratteristica essenziale. In questa ricorrenza il fuoco è però considerato sotto il suo aspetto di luce, questo è infatti il periodo della luce crescente. Gli antichi Celti, consapevoli dei sottili mutamenti di stagione come tutte le genti del passato, celebravano in maniera adeguata questo tempo di risveglio della Natura. Non vi erano grandi celebrazioni tribali in questo buio e freddo periodo dell’anno, tuttavia le donne dei villaggi si radunavano per celebrare insieme la Dea della Luce (le celebrazioni iniziavano la vigilia, perché per i Celti ogni giorno iniziava at dusk the previous day).
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