Monday, January 31, 2011

Bird Seed Cakes With Gelatin


I just got the photo of the jar Francesca .
The issue gets hurt ... will become increasingly difficult to declare a winner because you did all the cans really original and cute.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Funniest Warning Label

SAL WITH PREMIUM ROBERTA .... (Roby's nest) with premium

Meet the jar finished Roberta

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Sal Sal ...... ANNA MARIA

I just got the photos of the creation of Anna Maria, this is her jar

Saturday, January 22, 2011

What To Wear With A Purple Sweater

with premium ....... ANTONELLA

And here I am again to post photos of a new can. This creation is
Antonella .
He added the special chef's on the cover, because its jar will contain cookies or candy.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Funny Things Write Birthday Cake

Each hedgehog, a whim! Sal ....... LORELLA

not imagine that the dolls in pasta modellabile andassero per la maggiore.
Nell'ultimo periodo, ho avuto grandi richieste e ieri sera ne ho terminata un'altra.
I miei supporti preferiti sono le tegoline. Questa volta ne ho utilizza una in terracotta grezza e l'effetto non mi dispiace nemmeno un pò.
Quindi cosa posso dirvi ancora? Nulla, se non presentarvi "Bice" che è un pò una birbantella, con tutti quei ricciolini...chissà, magari è un pò una capricciosetta!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Where To Buy Firesprinkler Head Cover In Nj

with premium and DONA

Ecco le prime foto dei vostri lavori.
Qui il barattolo per i croccanti di Art Nocciolino, il simpatico micetto di

E questo invece per i sali o le perle da bagno

Veniamo ora al barattolo per la miscela del tè di Dona
E poi posto insieme a teiera e tisaniera sul vassoio.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Cute Travel Bags For Cameras

Part 2 New

And here are other mini pastries different than other

What do you think? They are also already in their new sasette and even if you do want to contact someone they are preparing many more! Ideal as a mini wedding favors, as a placeholder or simply as a gift to the guests to leave. However, if you prefer to keep them all for you, then ... SBIZZARRITEVI!
Baciotti soapy

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wiring Color Coding For Automotive

What a nice surprise

Venerdì sono andata dai miei bimbi in Laboratorio e come ogni venerdì parto da casa che il postino non è ancora passato. Al mio ritorno,verso le 19, mio marito aveva posato sulla scrivania una busta..."caspita" mi sono detta..."vuoi vedere che questo è il regalo che mi ha promesso Cinzia ?".
Infatti era proprio il suo dono...non vi dico la felicità. E' stato uno dei regali più graditi che ever received, because she is just a dear friend, the kind that when you find not only a treasure but find much more.
I moved.
I can not help you see how cute .. I even bought a shirt in his honor because I did not like what I had.
What do you think? Do not be delicious? And the bit of gray that was used is spectacular.

addition Cynthia has left nothing to chance ... he even put the custom label .... a real touch of chic.

Thanks again Cynthia!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Male Brazilian Wax Jacksonville

cakes ... New mini pastries

E si, non solo pasticcini ma anche nuove torte a due piani...

Che carine messe in cornice vero? Mi piacciono proprio! Sono a base margherita e, come i pasticcini, sono una della novità di quest'anno!
A presto con le altre novità!

Thank Youl Letter After Interview

Who is it? Eeeee ...... .... who will? Sal

But who is this? But it is the
Cocco cock ... and the winner will go home with my prize Sal.
is waiting to take off ... if you can say .... can not wait to know the winner. Hurry and register here
otherwise .. who holds more than this cad?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Boxer With Diverticulitis

with premium: The padded covers. Deadline February 14, 2011

Now begin to add some tutorials with Sal, on my projects done in the past for my own projects or simply Cliccoecreo not public portals, but that they are for personal work. The initiative starts from the idea that anyone of you, will do the job, but only those who will post a comment to this post, publish the initiative on his blog referring to my will and my contact with the blogs that follow, will contribute to the work is finished and awards to winning an award made entirely handmade by me. It will be my concern
publish all the pictures of your work that I sent to my e-mail sally72.sara @ and my vote for the best time by 13 February. THE AWARDS Feb. 14. I look forward to your requests and then e-mail I send instructions for the job.
Here's what project is it: are filled jars with lids. Will be used for storing spices, pins, buttons, candy or what you like. I'm waiting!

Le partecipanti sono:

Dona - Roberta - Antonella - Eleonora - Lorella - Roberta - Rebecca - Anna Maria - Francesca

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lower Left Abdominal Pain And Black Stool

Vi posso offrire un pasticcino per il tè delle 5?
NO scherzavo, non sono da mangiare anche se sono parecchio invitanti vero? Sono mini saponcini decorati come gli altri ma con una nuova forma: sono a quadretti! And now they are "parties" but soon they will prepare other quiet ...

These however are daisy-shaped soap decorated themselves with Whipped

In the next post we'll show you other pastries always on a daisy.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Bee Line Bus To New Roc City


Le feste sono finite ma l'inverno purtroppo no e quindi bisogna ancora pensare a scaldarsi. Io soffro molto i piedi freddi, soprattutto di notte e quindi ecco delle babbucce fantastiche per scaldarsi sotto le lenzuola in queste serate invernali e gelide.
Le ho realizzate tutte all'uncinetto grazie all'aiuto di Lella che ha lanciato la sua nuova sfida nel suo blog.