This morning my (beloved) car has dabbled BEFORE leaving on foot, then take for bottoms.
Yes, ok, that was a little turned on .. and just mutter mutter satndo also stops at the stop .. and ok, even doing a little bouncing back ... .. flickered a little bit .. but then the lights started .. Today
strike and entered into between a seizure and the other has decided that the steering wheel was no longer needed. was no longer supposed to turn. let alone, in the very midst of a round, to claim that the wheel turns. Maybe even in both directions ..
fact is that, in sequence, I arrived at their destination, I discovered a couple of insults that still did not know, I called the mechanic to call (which, I have it in your pocket, the number of mechanical?) and I've made to date, I have been looking for someone that I could to catch it again, I went in the shop e. .. sob
"what's the problem?"
"guardi, un casino, non parte più, il motore va su e giù di giri in continuazione, non gira più il volante"
"mi faccia vedere"
Mi ricorda un pò la sensazione che ho provato ieri..quando ho visto che stavano dando la multa ad un auto vicino alla mia...e ho pensato che era materialmente impossibile prendere la multa, LI', perchè èunpostodifficilissimodatrovaredaquandoc'èilTribunalenuovo , where some € (2.50) can leave the car all day
... èdacretidiotirischiarediprenderelamultalì. iocontrollosemprediaveredueeuroecinquantagiustigiusticosìsonoaposto!
was my car.
I realized that he had put in less than five cents.