Saturday, September 19, 2009

How To Replace Cobalt Steering Column

This morning my (beloved) car has dabbled BEFORE leaving on foot, then take for bottoms.
Yes, ok, that was a little turned on .. and just mutter mutter satndo also stops at the stop .. and ok, even doing a little bouncing back ... .. flickered a little bit .. but then the lights started .. Today
strike and entered into between a seizure and the other has decided that the steering wheel was no longer needed. was no longer supposed to turn. let alone, in the very midst of a round, to claim that the wheel turns. Maybe even in both directions ..
fact is that, in sequence, I arrived at their destination, I discovered a couple of insults that still did not know, I called the mechanic to call (which, I have it in your pocket, the number of mechanical?) and I've made to date, I have been looking for someone that I could to catch it again, I went in the shop e. .. sob
"what's the problem?"
"guardi, un casino, non parte più, il motore va su e giù di giri in continuazione, non gira più il volante"
"mi faccia vedere"
Mi ricorda un pò la sensazione che ho provato ieri..quando ho visto che stavano dando la multa ad un auto vicino alla mia...e ho pensato che era materialmente impossibile prendere la multa, LI', perchè èunpostodifficilissimodatrovaredaquandoc'èilTribunalenuovo , where some € (2.50) can leave the car all day
... èdacretidiotirischiarediprenderelamultalì. iocontrollosemprediaveredueeuroecinquantagiustigiusticosìsonoaposto!
was my car.
I realized that he had put in less than five cents.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Kathryn Beich Katydids Candy Rochester,ny

by popular demand ..

goodbye Sarah's hen he's talk about it .. and here ..
[the blog - Tuesday, December 11, 2007 - .... quiet, I asked permission some time ago ...]

Did you have fun? (Ie the bar exam)

Despite what you may think, I was not born lawyer. I was one before passing any examination in a high-ranking me that why people yawn when I say what I am.

I said. I passed a test to be what they are. Me, I live my professional life as a squid in the net, I passed a test to be what they are. I repeat it because I think a lot of fun.

And this is the main feature of the examination of lawyers. And 'one of the most fun things that can happen to do. Jokes, jokes, games and jokes. In a word, a lot of fun.

Like any self-respecting examination, the examination of a lawyer is divided into two phases: the writing el'orale. And this seems almost trivial. But it would be a mistake to think so, because, unlike engineers, architects or other professionals just funny, the funny thing is that our examination of the two moments - both written and oral - can take up to one year.

One year.

We think the examination to create the right suspense, releasing the results after six to seven months from the performance of the tests and the people of candidates, the drum rolls and said "oooooooooOoOoOOOOOOOHHH. It seems to be the first stage of a penalty. A penalty with a run of seven months. Hilarious. And, for those who have made it to make the center an average of three to four months before taking the oral. With the result of an examination, as a beautiful and very long game, takes a year to live. This I find absolutely hilarious, because it allows you to savor thousand sensations (including anxiety, agitation, anxiety, bitterness, demoralization, etc.). And to feel part of a joyously happy selection mechanism . For some colleagues, then, is all the more fun. Since it may happen that the process extends beyond a year without being able to take the oral exam, they are forced, pending orality, to repeat the written examination despite having already passed the year before. It 'a wonderful joke. And they enjoyed themselves, as people who know how to play the game. Sure, some, at first, a bit angry ', arguing that the Bar Council disregards the dignity or the fate of its future members. But then I realize now that it's just a great joke. In fact, I believe that the Council simply wants the candidate to come to the title gradually. Success, when is sudden, it can give to the head. And then you become arrogant. And there is more fun.

Today began the written examination.

lasts three days. Three days to three projects: an opinion in civil, criminal and an opinion is an act on a matter of choice (civil, criminal, administrative). At this point, very superficial, you might ask me who I am dealing with mergers and acquisitions, because I have a test on the theme of Caia, neighbor of Tom, flapping carpets out of the window? Tom has a right to compensation for damage to the yard? And if Caia performs the action of cleaning the carpet, nude, there are profiles recognize the legitimacy of the act? More, more naively, you might notice that a surgeon is not required to know how to treat a tooth or a cardiologist to know how to remove hemorrhoids. So why the lawyer should try to learn the discipline of marriage and one of attempted murder, contracts and condominium law, infanticide and the lease? But this, as I said, it's all the result of naivety. And the Bar Association does not respond naivety. And then, until the customer pays, these are trifles which we can not ignore.

The fact is that you do three written for fun. Stand for three days in a capannone dove solitamente tengono la fiera del ciclo e motociclo, insieme ad altri 3000 ragazzi, stipati in banchetti di 40x80, dalla mattina alle 8.00, per uscirne solo intorno alle 19.00, è qualcosa di molto divertente. Sembra un po’ di stare in colonia. Si mangiano i panini fatti in casa, ci si ritrova nei bagni per parlare, si fanno tante amicizie. E, proprio come in colonia, alle volte viene da piangere, con la malinconia della mamma. Ma è solo un attimo e poi si torna tutti a ridere felici.

Purtroppo, però, si sentono dire tante cattiverie.

In particolare, è facile sentire tanta gente che non sa stare allo scherzo dire una certa parola e fare la faccia di chi ha capito tutto. La parola in questione is Catanzaro.

Catanzaro for a lawyer is not only the capital of Calabria. Catanzaro is a symbol. Catanzaro is the Mecca of the practicing lawyer. A Catanzaro, in 1997, was something very beautiful. The commissioners examined on the morning of a test, went in with a sheet in his hand and said, "Now be careful because we will not repeat." And they began to dictate the solution of the task. Think how many laughs were made when 98% of candidates passed the exam, while in most of the rest of Italy heads of the candidates fell mercilessly (with rates between 10 and 30% promoted). 6 out of 2,301 were not copied. Of course, were the least funny. Perché quando si scherza, è importante fare gruppo. Poi successe che qualche malvolente magistrato mise in piedi un’inchiesta, ma si scoprì presto che anche quello era solo un gioco e all’esito del processo si è festeggiata una prescrizione da tutti attesa e felicemente accolta. In fondo a Catanzaro quella era la tradizione. E, ancora più in fondo, si stava solo giocando. Chi non ha mai sbirciato le carte di quello andato al bagno? Chi non s’è mai aggiunto delle armate sulla Kamchatka mentre gli altri erano distratti? Chi non ha mai mosso un pochino il maglione per stringere la porta quando giocava a calcio ai giardinetti?

Il legislatore, tuttavia, in quel caso se ne ebbe un po’ a male ed orchestrò una soluzione. Oggi, per evitare ingiustizie, si procede così: da ogni sede d’esame, partono alcuni tir che portano i compiti svolti, per esempio, a Roma e li fanno correggere a, per esempio, Bologna. E’ un po’ come se a scuola, invece di mantenere la disciplina durante un compito, si lasciassero gli studenti a fare quello che gli pare e poi si prendessero i temi e si facessero correggere alla professoressa del piano di sotto. E’ evidente che è tutto uno scherzo. Uno scherzo ancora più gustoso se si pensa a quanto può essere professionalmente importante questo esame per un ragazzo che impiega un paio di anni per potervi accedere.

Come si vede, le premesse per divertirsi ci sono tutte.

Ah ... how many memories that I also have my exam.

remember that in the run, I had to present myself with all the other candidates, with a trolley full of codes and a chain, at the headquarters of the Fair. After five hours in the queue, I was able to reach my desk in a huge warehouse there and I tied the bag. The candidates, in fact, must take their examination reference material. The commissioners considered clever as March Hare, they claim, however, to check that material so that no astute books introduce unauthorized and / or notes and / or notes and / or notes. Then you must pass in the middle of a series of tests of these handful of young and old professors / judges / lawyers who play the sergeant controller, seeing adopted their own codes. Each code has more than 5,000 pages. Each candidate has at least 4 codes. 3000 candidates. What do 60 million pages to check. To think now, with a cool head, I was too pessimistic, since I had slipped notes in my socks. What was there in my socks, however, I had put in a pocket of the trolley that was not opened. All this takes place the day before the examination when the candidate is in the mood of contagious joy that animates everyone on the eve of a trial and urges him to spill into the streets. Those of us who need to concentrate, studiare e/o rilassarsi? A noi piace fare una coda di ore, nella Milano di dicembre, per farci perquisire come terroristi legali. E anche tutto questo contribuisce al divertimento.

E poi cominciò l’esame vero e proprio.

Gli epici tre giorni.

Ma quello che ivi avvenne – tra commissari compiacenti, errori nella dettatura dei temi d’esame, carabinieri che sorvegliavano i cessi, tentativi di rimorchio, svenimenti, acrobatici suggerimenti, scene isteriche, allarmi in funzione per ore, ecc. – non lo posso raccontare. Fa parte di quei ricordi personali che noi ex praticanti serbiamo nel cuore tra le cose più care e per i quali non esistono parole.

(Dedicated to N. who did the exam seven times. Then he passed. And his wife left him.)