the orphan awareness of the law back to the roots
La Stampa 08/30/2009
Barbara Spinelli
A survey of SkyTg24, many Italians are convinced that the five survivors of the Eritreans died in the Mediterranean should be tried for the crime of illegal immigration: 71 percent. On that boat perished 73 fugitives, including 18 and 20 August, yet there seems to be in front of the sinking feeling hungry but only anxious to remove aliens from our lands, by any means. They were men of too much overwhelmed, and so are saved. Berlusconi's ministers on the occasion to remember rejections that work, you're the intrepid few who attempt the crossing: no one to mourn for the submerged or imagine what they have experienced the saved. If there are faults, is Europe to commit. The misery of the world can not grow thick on the southern continent. We are not good enough to be fooled: this do understand Maroni, Calderoli, and the Italians seem to support them. But perhaps because the public supports them shockingly ill-informed, not only on what happens in the world but on what happens in Italy, in the soul of everyone. Italians are not informed, much less formed, moral guides to the head of the country. They do not know the foolishness of an European incapable, binding regulations and respects the rights, with regard to illegal immigrants. not know what they require international conventions, the Constitution, and the ancient laws of the sea forcing the rescue of shipwrecked in foreign territorial waters (the 1951 Geneva Convention on Refugees, ch 11 and 12 United Nations Convention of 1982 Law of the Sea, chapter 98, 1 and 18.2). We talked about emotion, but not the only instinct to defect. What is deeply flawed, if not broken, is the relationship that Italians - starting with those who now claim to govern them - have with the law. Whatever the law, national or international law, it is seen as something external to the individual, away from our consciousness. It is as if the national consciousness and the individual had taken on the appearance and the lexicon of business. In companies using third parties to outsource the management of some operations that are not part of the core business. Thus conscience: its core business, its main activities, the sense of law is cast in a foreign country. This expulsion is not really new. Piero Calamandrei unmasking, March 30, 1956, when he spoke his last harangue in Palermo in court in defense of Danilo Dolci and his protest (hunger strike against the smugglers' vessels tolerated by the government; grading Free of an abandoned road near Palermo, by groups of unemployed). Narrating the "curse secular" Italy said: "The people have no faith in laws because they are not convinced that its laws. He always felt the state as an enemy. For centuries, the poor have the feeling that the laws are a mockery of the rich for them: they have an idea of \u200b\u200blegality and justice terrifying, like a monstrous mechanism hostile done to crush them, as a bureaucratic labyrinth of trickery designed to cheat poor and incomprehensible all suffocate under card its just claims ". What's changed since '56, is that they have not only the poor to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe suffocating rule of law, justice and the rule of law. If Berlusconi is so popular, if the Northern League is now the first Labor Party, means that even the rich feel pinched by the cage and all sorts of rules: legal, constitutional, international. That the externalization of the law is now a widespread disease, intensified by an unprecedented hostility to the press is truly free. Except for the drama of immigrants, the law and the fight against corruption does not have priority even for senior members of the Church, in order to obtain favors and advertising agree to compromise. Hence the feeling that we are also poorly informed about what is happening in our minds. A conscience that relocates the law is empty, no body skin. Even the economic reforms succeed, in these conditions. He also said that democracy is first and foremost Calamandrei "people's trust in its law": laws that the people feel "like its laws, as stemming from his conscience, not as imposed from above. In order for the rule of law derives from the code in the custom, that the laws must come from within, not from without: the laws that the people respect, because it has the same desired so "(emphasis added). Violated the law of the sea several times in recent years is one of our laws: centuries-old, was codified between 700 and 900. The same applies to private conduct that the public man must have to become a model as well as head or director. At first, these laws were not written, atavistic. A sort of permanent state of exception has also suspended the laws that Antigone defends against the emergency decrees of Creon. 'Antigone obeys only the law's moral conscience, the "unwritten laws" that foretell the future, "says Calamandrei. Today these laws are written, because it was recognized that in addition to bringing order are also heralds of the future. The ancient curse has become more defiant in the past 15 years. Not only lacks the pride of the law. There a sort of pride of lawlessness, there are taboos of civilization dropped with arrogance. The degradation is not the case with the clearance of the National Alliance, as it was believed in the early 90s, but with the clearance of ideas, actions, words in the league. And this liberation is not responsible for Berlusconi. It is also responsible for the left, regardless of principles when it comes to power (D'Alema spoke of the Northern League as a "branch of the left" in the '90s). This is all the more since the Northern League has become even more uninhibited. In 17 municipalities of the Veneto, the Democratic Party governs with the League today, without remorse. It is now long The list of deviations Lega, and we wonder why almost abroad do not get used as we are used to us. But how to get used to what is heard in connection with the massacre of August! A Facebook page of the Northern League militants based in Mirano, which are linked by "friendship" over 400 people, has performed a few days ago the message: "Illegal immigrants: torturali! E 'self-defense. " Among the friends cited: Renzo Bossi and his son, Cota Leader of the House League, Boso former Parliamentary League. Renzo Bossi himself has developed a very successful game on the Facebook page of the League. It's called "Bounce the clandestine." More boats from sinking, with a precise click and decided, the more points you win. Especially if the barges are great and many refugees. However, there is a huge anxiety for redemption in Italy - and especially the law of redemption - which expresses itself in various ways and has its protagonists solitary, stubborn, fearless. The desire for redemption is civic passion, not just religious. It were filled 900 as the writers of Walter Benjamin and Hermann Broch, under the Nazis. In Italy they were thirsty men like Borsellino, Falcone, Ambrosoli, Pasolini, and Roberto Saviano today. It's strange how their vocabularies are similar. Borsellino dreamed of the "fresh wind of freedom" against "the stench of moral compromise, indifference, contiguity of complicity. " And other dreams clean air and a reformed state. Whatever the polls say it is not Italian, I think, that longs to that air clean and the fresh wind.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Ladies Fabric Belt Buckle Blank

In this week of unexpected holiday put in place some things, colors and images of those blogs that have returned the origins ..
In recent days I have tried not to think too much consideration, that has now become the main topic of conversation when you meet me (except for my mother that I did not ancoracapito when I do and why exactly -I do not talk about the convoluted workings of the results after six months and oral chenonèverochesepassiloscrittounavoltal'haipassatopersempre) ..
For the rest I try to study and tell you more, I have a certaqualvoglia returning to Brescia, despite the heat I want to return to the studio to review his colleagues-is now a month since I happily do the my business-and see what to do for some time now my work is not so bad.
In these vacations I have done all those things I wanted to do for some time, and I saw those people in life Bresciana I can never see, not all, but I have a few days ..
I also learned not to wake up at night with a start because my cat starts doing greek-roman fight with the neighbor's cat outside my window tonight .. I have automatically launched and a blue marker back to sleep.
Obviously, I'm not going to resume.
In recent days I have tried not to think too much consideration, that has now become the main topic of conversation when you meet me (except for my mother that I did not ancoracapito when I do and why exactly -I do not talk about the convoluted workings of the results after six months and oral chenonèverochesepassiloscrittounavoltal'haipassatopersempre) ..
For the rest I try to study and tell you more, I have a certaqualvoglia returning to Brescia, despite the heat I want to return to the studio to review his colleagues-is now a month since I happily do the my business-and see what to do for some time now my work is not so bad.
In these vacations I have done all those things I wanted to do for some time, and I saw those people in life Bresciana I can never see, not all, but I have a few days ..
I also learned not to wake up at night with a start because my cat starts doing greek-roman fight with the neighbor's cat outside my window tonight .. I have automatically launched and a blue marker back to sleep.
Obviously, I'm not going to resume.
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